03 October 2012


You say I am lazy but the truth is I am
Afraid of the flare of the lamp that gropes
For my eyes, terrified of the endless
Catastrophic pillows that smother my dreams
While wide awake at two A.M
Staring at curious shadows
That clamor to be vulgarized
Unsure of who or when or where
And why.

The world is governed by chance
Is not a cute adlib.
It is a war cry.


  1. Hm. Totally lost in thought... 'having trouble deciphering this one. Are you alright? Month-end blues??? @_@

  2. This response takes me to one of T.S. Eliot's lines: For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.

    Also, managers are usually jerks. Don't listen to them.

  3. I forgot. The last comment above is from ny. So you know it's in jest. I hope that doesn't annoy you much.

  4. @gmazeroom: Haha, does this piece make me seem suicidal? Curious observation. When I told my mother that I went up to Mt Province alone, she also thought the same thing. Really, I'm ok...

    @ny: Managers are jerks, yes, but I'm not annoyed. On the contrary, I'm glad for the push. Maybe that's just exactly what I need.
